





第一星期,美國德州奧斯汀華人教會(ACC)的短宣隊到訪,我們一起事奉。主日早上,我們在Corozal當地西人教會敬拜和獻詩。短宣隊這幾年間與教會建立了很好的關係,當天下午,他們就借用這教會舉辦了一個「日營」Day Camp,有四十多華人參加。聚會分為幼兒組、兒童組、青少年組和成人組。




短宣隊離開後,我去了探訪在伯利茲市的本地青少年事工組織Belize Camping Experience (BCE),與機構負責人有很好的交流,我們也去不同的機構和教會訪問。也與幾個年輕同工相聚,住在他們的宿舍幾天,見到他們充滿異象和活力,得到很大激 勵!




  1. 求神保守夏牧師身心靈健壯有力,生活和工作上安全和適應良好。
  2. 跟進初信者「1對1」的工作能順利展開,事工中心能發揮作用。
  3. 已找尋到合適的住所和辦公室,很多事情需要處理,求神看顧。

December 2019

Dear brothers and sisters,

Song dedication at Sunday service in a local English church.

Need to take a vehicles carrying boat to cross a river on the way to visit.

BCE staff are energetic and passionate!

I have been in Belize since the beginning of November while Maggie will join me next month. When I arrived in Belize, I was told that there has been a Dengue fever outbreak. Please pray for protection for me and the people here.

On the first Sunday, I attended an English church service in Corozal with a missions team from Austin Chinese Church of Texas (ACC). That afternoon, we hosted a Day Camp at the church, where 40 Chinese youth and adults attended.

Parent group

This amazing turnout was the result of ACC’s faithful relationship with the church. ACC sends 6 missions teams to Belize every year. Their investment with the Chinese community here has graciously paved the way for me as I start my ministry. This trip we witnessed several people giving their lives to Christ.

After the ACC missions team left, I went to stay on the campus of an organization called Belize Camping Experience (BCE). I had the opportunity to interact with the BCE staff, and was greatly encouraged by their passion and enthusiasm.

Praise God I’ve found housing and a ministry space in Corozal. Thanks to the help from local brothers and sisters, I’m hoping to move in and start using both spaces by the middle of December.

December is the month where we remember the birth of Christ, our savior. Let’s rejoice and celebrate together!

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for spiritual and emotional protection.
  2. Pray for preparation for launching my ministry and one-on-one follow ups with the new believers.
  3. Pray for preparation for housing and the ministry meeting space.

In His service,
Maggie and Gregory