


感謝上帝,祂讓我於10月與妻子一起前往三藩市。感謝中信同工的接待,帶我們觀光了這個城市。我們探訪了美國中信位於Petaluma的總部,會見了總幹事姜牧師,和在那裡工作並一直為我們祈禱的整個中信服事團隊。也探訪了位於三藩市唐人街和南灣中信福音中心。 我還在三藩市的兩個教會:活泉華人教會和三藩市浸信會,分享了委內瑞拉的總體情況,包括華人教會在當中所面對的狀況。




  1. 請為主恩堂的弟兄姐妹,特別是執事們禱告, 求主帶領他們計劃明年2020年的教會活動,並保守教會肢體能積極參與各項活動。
  2. 請為女兒Mandy和Alex於12月28日舉行的婚禮禱告,願上帝祝福及帶領他們的婚姻能榮耀主。
  3. 求主按祂的心意為我能在委內瑞拉服事教會的需要,預備一輛合適的車禱告。
  4. 請為女兒Cindy禱告,求主保守牙齒矯正手術順利。我們已經與牙醫預約了十二月,現正進行相關的檢查和射線照相程序。
  5. 請為兒子Freddy明年將參與門訓學校的裝備,尋見神的旨意代禱。

December 2019

Dear prayer partners,

In Genesis 22 we see how God tested Abraham by ordering him to offer his beloved and only son Isaac as a burnt offering. When Abraham raised the knife and was about to slaughter his son Isaac, God told him not to do anything to the boy and immediately provided a ram for sacrifice. Abraham's faith was strengthened after this.

During this year, my family and I have experienced God working in our lives. He helped us in dangerous situations, He provided us in scarcity, He confirmed us in time of doubt, and He sustained us in moments of weakness. Now, I can say that my faith has been strengthened. Now, more than before, I can tell God: My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you (Job 42:5).

Thank God he allowed us to travel to San Francisco in October with my wife. Thanks to CCM’s co-workers who hosted us at their home and treated us very well during that ten days in San Francisco. They took us to see the city and the CCM USA headquarters in Petaluma, in Chinatown and in the South Bay. We also met General Secretary Rev. Chiang and the entire team of servants who work there, and who have been praying for us. I also shared about the Chinese churches and the general situation in Venezuela in two churches in San Francisco: San Bruno Chinese Church and San Francisco Chinese Baptist Church.

Then we went to visit Rev. Semson Nip and his wife in Phoenix. They took us to see Greater Phoenix Chinese Christian Church. We also got to know the city and the Hole-in-the-Rock in Papago Park. From there we traveled to Miami and we enjoyed time with Eduardo and Keiling, who were members of Grace of God Church (主恩堂) in Caracas.

Finally, before returning home, we stayed two days in Panama City, visiting my wife's relatives and a group of brothers and sisters who were from Venezuela. On Sunday, November 3, we shared a time of worship with brothers and sisters from the Chinese Baptist Church of Panama, where my wife Menye led the worship time.

Prayer requests:

  1. For Grace of God Church(主恩堂), for the brothers and sisters and especially for the deacons, as we are elaborating the program of the church for next year 2020. May God be leading in everything, and may the brothers and sisters commit themselves to each activity of the next year.
  2. For the wedding of our daughter Mandy with Alex on December 28. May God bless their marriage and continue to guide them in everything. May God be glorified in everything they do.
  3. May God guide me at this time to get the right vehicle, which fits in the needs of the service that He wants us to do in Venezuela.
  4. For the orthodontics that my daughter Cindy needs to do soon. We already have an appointment with the dentist for December. Meanwhile, we are making the relevant exams and radiography.
  5. For our son Freddy and his search for confirmation from the Lord to participate in the School of Discipleship and Evangelism next year.

Your co-workers,
Fernando and Menye