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[Missionary Sindy Chow and Derek Leung]
Derek & Sindy Leung



十分謝謝您們的禱告和配搭,因您們的支持,我們確能數算主在這新工場賜下的恩典祝福!首先,我們到埗第三星期已找到合適居所並順利遷入。第二,教會在短時間找到比前更好的地方, 進行裝修, 並在限期前交還舊址,搬進新址。第三,主讓我們在第三個月便能取得厄瓜多爾臨時居留身份。這一切使我們想起詩歌《數算主恩》的部份歌詞:「主的恩典,樣樣都要數,主的作為都要記清楚;主的恩典,樣樣都要數,必能叫你驚訝主奇妙看顧。」讚美主!

雖然因早前美國東岸的颶風引致航班取消,原先計劃在九月中來厄瓜多爾短宣的醫生未能如期到達; 但感恩,另一醫療短宣隊能在九月底到訪。謝謝他們為僑胞進行的四整天中醫針灸義診。這樣的服務確實接觸到這裡的華人群體,不少僑胞來到教會接受醫療服務,藉此我們有機會認識和關心他們,也讓更多華人留意教會已遷新址,並到訪教會。請為我們跟進探訪義診接觸到的新朋友禱告。



  1. 健民最近不時有背痛情況,求主醫治,早日康復。
  2. 我們正計劃2018年的短宣隊服事安排。求主幫助,讓我們與不同教會有美好配搭。
  3. 請為教會2018年的計劃和方向禱告,求主引領。
  4. 轉眼又到年終,也是華人餐館和商鋪繁忙的季節。求主幫助教會的弟兄姊妹安排時間,堅持親近主,每主日都能返教會出席主日崇拜聚會。


健民 & 慧嫦
November 2017

Dear mission prayer partners:

Frist worship service in the new place.

Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership! Because of that, we sure count a lot of blessings in this new mission field. First, we found our apartment in the third week upon our arrival. Second, the church was able to find a better place in such a short notice, made all the renovation, and moved into the new place in time. Third, our Lord granted us Ecuadorian temporary residency in the third month. All these remind us the lyric of the song of Count Your Blessings —“Count your many blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.” Praise the Lord!

Although due to the hurricane in the East Coast and flight cancellation, a doctor from US could not come to Guayaquil, Ecuador for the medical mission in mid- September, another medical team arrived at the end of September. Thanks to the medical team and their acupunctural ministry for four full days, the service indeed was able to reach out to the Chinese community; many people came to seek for medical assistance, and we were able to greet them and show our caring to them. It was a good timing for the Chinese community to get to know and even some of them visited the new place of the church, please pray for the follow up visitation to those who came to seek for medical service.

We realize it is important to develop children ministry here; however, we do not have enough experience in children ministry; therefore, we and the church need more training. Thank God that a sister is willing to come to Guayaquil, Ecuador, to provide such training to the church in November. On the other hand, she will train us how to hold a special gospel children program. Moreover, in order to reach out to the Chinese community, a seminar in parenting will be held, please pray that more brothers and sisters are willing to join the training, involve in the children program. Also pray that we will be able to grab the opportunity to develop the children ministry in the near future.

Prayer requests:

  1. Derek has lower back pain once a while recently, please pray for recovery.
  2. We are working on the planning for short term mission teams in 2018; please pray for our partnership with different churches and the coordination.
  3. Please pray for the church direction and planning for the coming year of 2018.
  4. As it is getting toward year end, which is a busy season of Chinese restaurants and shops, please pray that brothers and sisters can manage to attend worship service regularly every Sunday.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support!

Derek and Sindy

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