分解真理的道(网页版)       马有藻著


  1. Archer, Gleason. Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, Zondervan, 1982
  2. Arndt W. Does the Bible Contradict Itself, Concordia, 1955
  3. Arndt, W. Bible Difficulties, Concordia, 1957
  4. Boice, J. M. Erros and Contradictions: Alleged Problems in the Bible, ICBI, 1986
  5. Brauch, M. T. Hard Sayings of Paul, IVP, 1989
  6. Bruce, F. F. Answers to Questions, Zondervan, 1972
  7. Bruce, F. F. The Hard Sayings of Jesus, IVP, 1983
  8. Davids, P. H. More Hard Sayings of the New Testament, IVP, 1991
  9. Geister, N. & Howe, T. When Critics Ask, Victor, 1992
  10. Gray, J. M. Bible Problems Explained, Moody Press, 1913
  11. Guillebaud, H. E. Some More Difficulties of the Bible, IVP, 1949
  12. Haley, J. W. Alleged Discrepanies of the Bible, Baker, 1974, 1977r
  13. Kaiser, W. C. Hard Saying of the Old Testament, IVP, 1988
  14. Kaiser, W. C. More Hard Sayings of the Old Testament, IVP, 1992
  15. Morris, H. M. The Bible Has the Answer, CLP, 1976
  16. Neil, W. & Travis, S. More Difficult Sayings of Jesus, Eerdmans, 1981
  17. O'Brien, D. E. Today's Handbook for Solving Bible Difficulties, Bethany, 1990
  18. Stein, R. H. Difficult Passages in the Bible, Baker, 1984
  19. Stein, R. H. Difficult Sayings in the Gospels, Baker, 1985
  20. Torrey, T. A. Difficulties in the Bible, Moody, 1907
  21. Vos, H. F. Can I Trust the Bible? Moody, 1963
  22. 李道生著,旧约圣经问题总解,浸会,1974
  23. 李道生著,新约圣经问题总解,浸会,1982;大光,1988
  24. 陈终道著,圣经问题解答,天道,1963
  25. 吴主光著,福音神学暨福音难题解答,天道,1987
  26. 司可福著,圣经问题解答(朱锦良编),丰生,1990
  27. 苏佐扬著,新约圣经难题(1-5,94),(6-9,95),天人,1995
  28. 即上文英文书第13之中文版,梁洁琼译,圣经难解之言─旧约篇,校园,1997
  29. 即上文英文书第8之中文版,徐成得译,圣经难解之言─新约篇,校园,1996
  30. 即上文英文书第5之中文版,苏美心译,圣经难解之言─保罗篇,校园,1996
  31. 即上文英文书第6之中文版,曾念粤译,圣经难解之言─耶稣篇,校园,1996